Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Again

The snowstorm did come. And it was impressive. And it was surprisingly nice to have a day of nothing/nada/nieste (or as the joke goes, nietzche).  I got to sleep in, such as that is possible in a toddler-house, and we all shoveled as a family, and drank hot chocolate, and took long naps in blankets all cozy and together, so it was good. But also there was not much space, so I did not write an entry.

And it is snowing again this morning, a week later.

I like the quiet.

Which there will not be much more of today, since it is Lillie's birthday party this afternoon. Some of her friends are sick, which means it will be a very small party, but I think a good one nonetheless - dragon-themed and full of purple and gold balloons.  Jason and Lil are making cupcakes as we speak.

As for me, this week I want only one thing:
1. PERSPECTIVE:  I want to keep perspective. It is so tempting to get caught up in drama, in how awful things are, in how full of CRISIS and TRAGEDY the world is. Which is true. But also when the storm comes there is beauty, and there is quiet, and there is always a scale on which usually our very scary monster turns out to be quite manageable.

And as for the list two weeks ago:
Comfort came and went. I think this is a long term goal. A thing I must continue to practice practice practice both giving and receiving. Flexibility I felt. I felt nice and flexible and fluid. I think the increase in exercise helped with that, so NOTE that please.  Abundance of food worked out well, but in a relaxation of boundaries. I have been limiting a lot what I ate. I have been eating a lot of shoulds, and not so much of the wants, and so I decided to pay attention to the abundance around me and if I wanted lemon macaroons then so be it. Lemon macaroons in abundance! NOTE that too.

I just found Cheri Huber's practice blog and I am loving it. She is talking so much about ego and being clear and uncovering and I am so grateful for the thinking I wanted to acknowledge my appreciation for that.

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