Monday, March 4, 2013

Existential Loneliness

There is a cure. Martha Beck explains it beautifully on her blog, but basically it entails spending a lot of time NOT alone, even when that feels like placing your palm in a hot frying pan, and exposing yourself as much as possible to situations in which the basically positive nature of the universe can reveal itself to you.

I got a massage.
A haircut.
My brows waxed.
Accepted several gifts from my mother in law, including a trowel door knocker and several brand new sports bras.
I let myself and Lil be leisurely this morning on our way to school, which was very pleasant and allowed me to breeze into dance class in a much better frame of mind.

I cried in dance class, because I love Maria so, and I had this great realization. I realized that it is a choice to inhabit one's life. It is a choice to be here now. I have the decision making ability on that. What?!?

Teachers are so amazing. I am so grateful they are all around us all the time.