Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Very briefly, this is what is occupying my mind these days, and tell me where I'm wrong, because it is still unfinished and I would appreciate thoughts.

The story:

I was talking to an old friend this weekend about something completely different, and I pulled out my anatomy textbook, (Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, which I am very proud of because I bought it at the Goodwill for $2) and flipped accidentally open to a page about how neurons work. We got all excited because anatomy is badass, and I had somehow known that neurons worked the way that they do, but I had not remembered the details, one of which is "graded potentials."

Basically, what I interpret this to mean, and again, tell me where I'm wrong, is that electricity (which is the medium in which messages are coded) travels through the body in what is basically a sine wave.

Then the husband of my friend, who is another old friend and was in fact the original friend of the two, pointed out that the reason waves form on the ocean is because of pressure, and that the wave shape is everywhere, which of course I knew, because it shows up in breathwork and hip bumps and soundwaves and all that.

And previous to that another friend over the weekend directed me to consider the concept of simulation theory (which I have just a tiny piece of right now but am looking forward to absorbing more fully.)

And my darling sister-in-law recommended this book, My Stroke of Insight, which is about how a neuroanatomist stroke victim experienced and mostly recovered from her stroke, and which I have been reading for the last week or so. 

And we visited the USS Constitution on Sunday and I was BLOWN AWAY first by how good that old ship smelled and also by how incredibly flexible everything was even though it was this huge seemingly bulky wooden ship. It was all designed to be as effective as possible at doing it's job of disabling but not destroying another ship. Even the masts are mobile! The masts, peeps, the fundamental supports for the whole business.


So what I am working on is this:

Requirement of Up and Down/Balance.

Big stuff right? I feel a little like I'm being followed around by a ghost - the thoughts are just behind my left shoulder blade (which is coincidentally where I've been experiencing a lot of tightness in my muscles), but I can't quite put it together yet. I'll keep you posted.

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